Hot TV Actress Surveen Chawla Photoshoot

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 16 November 2010 0 komentar
Hot TV Actress Surveen Chawla Photoshoot:
Hot TV Actress Surveen Chawla Photoshoot - Surveen Chawla or more popularly known as 
Kajjal is dubbed as the 'Aishwarya Rai of Indian Television' , Suvreen started off with small 
roles playing Kasak in 'Kasauti Zindagi Ki' and Charu in 'Kahiin To Hoga' which gradually 
became major roles in effect mainly due to her popularity among the male crowds. Surveen 
Chawla is a small screen actress born in Chandigarh, India but soon moved to Mumbai to 
pursue a career in acting. Till her 10th standard she wanted to practice medicine, but she 
took up commerce in 12th and ended up graduating in arts. Initially her family was very 
reluctant to send her to mumbai to act and they were shocked when they came to know 
about this. She was hardly four days old to mumbai when she heard of the auditions that 
were being held by Balaji telefilms. She went there and after two days, she got a 
call saying that she had been selected to play the role of Charu in Kahiin To Hoga.

Judul: Hot TV Actress Surveen Chawla Photoshoot
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